Since 1950, Jensen Beach Garden Club has been a connection for fellow gardening enthusiasts and a place to make new friends. We have promoted gardening knowledge, participated in local beautification projects, and hosted gardening workshops that educate club members and the community about various aspects of gardening. Over the years, the Club has held plant sales, organized fundraisers, planted trees, plants, and flowers in public spaces, maintained public park gardens, and raised funds for those in need in our community. We take great pride in continuing the Club's long history of promoting environmental awareness and conservation, enhancing our much-loved coastal community, and supporting initiatives like native plant restoration and attracting and protecting pollinators.
Incorporated in the State of Florida on January 11, 1950, we were designated a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation in 2014. We have had 43 presidents or co-presidents over the years. The Club is guided by its Executive Board consisting of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. Its standing committees do the organization's work.
In 2022, we held our first Garden Expo - our largest fundraiser - now an annual tradition at Indian Riverside Park. The Expo is a specialty garden show featuring local vendors showcasing plants, orchids, trees, gardening supplies, art, and accessories for the garden or patio. The show also includes free educational presentations and demonstrations.
The 4th Annual Jensen Beach Garden Expo will be held March 1, 2025
JBGC has a long history of giving back to our community. Over the years, the Garden Expos, plant sales and other fundraisers have supported the following:
Seeds of Flavor - The Jensen Beach Garden Club Cookbook
In 2024 we published our first Cookbook, "Seeds of Flavor", which complements our fundraising efforts and provides a unique and fun gift for friends and family. Click here to learn more.
Jensen Beach Garden Club was awarded the 2022 Non-Profit Innovation Award by the
Jensen Beach Chamber of Commerce. The award recognizes the
Club's gardening committee
for their hard work, dedication, and creativity while donating their time and effort to maintain and enhance the sidewalk planters in downtown Jensen Beach. The award was accepted on behalf of the committee by Georgia Fowler, Co-President 2021-2023 on January 18, 2023.
JBGC was awarded the prestigious 2022 Environmental Stewardship Award for Community Enrichment by
Keep Martin Beautiful
in April 2022. The Award recognizes the Club’s outstanding efforts in community beautification and revitalization in Martin County. Co-Presidents Faye Flack and Georgia Fowler, 2021-2023, accepted the award on behalf of the Club’s Gardening Committee.
While a member of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, JBGC received several awards for our Yearbook and a prestigious award for placement of the mosaic monument at Hoke Library Garden, created by one of our talented members.
Jensen Beach Garden Club, Inc.
3472 NE Savannah Rd Suite 212 Jensen Beach FL 34957
All Rights Reserved | Jensen Beach Garden Club